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Showing posts with the label voodoo

The Quest For Jarek The Flame of The Etheral Dragon

  The king, Dalibor Miroslava and Queen Mormor from the Mstislav bloodline sat on the throne admist the palace, the king, though not evil nor good was just a king but had to please several individuals. His wife was loyal to him as far as he knew in every regard however he still kept a close watch on her despite this. The King and Queen both wore tunics made of fur which was embroided with golden thread along with golden crowns upon thier heads, there was also emeralds adorning the crowns. The outer kingdom, as it was known was comprised of several tribes which were very primitive however there was an entire world of technologies that were slowly being leaked out into the world. This was one issue that needed to be addressed however the technology was not being leaked to the peasents of his realm but to the outer tribes, the King knew that if his servants gained access to these there could be alot of trouble. He had sent out his Viceroy to handle this problem but this

Voodoo And Luciferianism Is Not Neccesarily Evil But It Can Be

I discuss various topics, including but not limited to syncretism(the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures or schools of thought), chaos magic, the occult in literature and pulp culture, astrotheology and various cultural observances. <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>