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Showing posts from June, 2022

The Quest For Jarek The Flame of The Etheral Dragon

  The king, Dalibor Miroslava and Queen Mormor from the Mstislav bloodline sat on the throne admist the palace, the king, though not evil nor good was just a king but had to please several individuals. His wife was loyal to him as far as he knew in every regard however he still kept a close watch on her despite this. The King and Queen both wore tunics made of fur which was embroided with golden thread along with golden crowns upon thier heads, there was also emeralds adorning the crowns. The outer kingdom, as it was known was comprised of several tribes which were very primitive however there was an entire world of technologies that were slowly being leaked out into the world. This was one issue that needed to be addressed however the technology was not being leaked to the peasents of his realm but to the outer tribes, the King knew that if his servants gained access to these there could be alot of trouble. He had sent out his Viceroy to handle this problem but this

Psychedelics, Religion, Christmas and Spirituality Psychedelics, Religion, Christmas and Spirituality

Psychedelics, Religion, Christmas and SpiritualityWritten On November 9 th , 2016 In this article I will be delving into hallucinogens in regards to aiding in spiritual development. I will delve into some of the symbolism and rituals behind todays Christmas celebrations which include the origin of the Christmas tree, communion, the origin of Santa Claus, the zodiac and the bible in regards to the sacred mushroom. An excerpt from the book “Astrotheology and Shamanism: Christianity's Pagan Roots” states as thus. “COMMUNION: Amanita mushrooms go through a chemical process as they dry. This process is necessary, for most people, before ceremonial ingestion. In other words, they must be dried in order for them to work. The reason that we want to dry the mushrooms out is that they contain ibotenic acid. By drying the mushrooms out, much of the ibotenic acid is converted (decarboxylated) into muscimol, which is a much stronger etheogenic substance. One of the practices of drying the mu

Synchronism of the Druids with Judeo Christianity Hindus and Alien Manipulation of the Human Genome

Synchronism of the Druids with Judeo Christianity Hindus and Alien Manipulation of the Human Genome Here you also have a depiction of shu supporting the sky with pictures of bulls which is also the cere(bull-ram)bellum , also related to this is the Goddess Ceres: Vervactor, "He who ploughs" Reparator , "He who prepares the earth" Imporcitor , "He who ploughs with a wide furrow" Insitor , "He who plants seeds" Obarator , "He who traces the first ploughing" Occator , "He who harrows" Serritor , "He who digs" Subruncinator , "He who weeds" Messor , "He who reaps" Conuector (Convector), "He who carries the grain" Conditor , "He who stores the grain" Promitor , "He who distributes the grain" Hence you have this depiction of the bull who helps to plow. All of these cultures are connected however and just adapted different metaphors which