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Husk, The King of Death, Iron and Sitra Achra/Ahra

      Sitra Achra/Ahra, this experience is made possible when a lack of iron is present, there is ancient microbial life used to describe arsenic to thrive in a world without oxygen.        Yog-Sothoth is another term to describe this.        The husk of the world which is mentioned in various text which is the husk, this is also known as the qliphoth which is described in the Kabbalah as the husk, peels, shells or husk, this is also known as the realm of evil however I think this is a mistranlation.        These life forms were able to live in an environment where there was absolutely no oxygen, instead they lived in a carbonate environment and used arsenic cycling which proves that the microbes are actively metabolizing arsenic. Under the Challenger model of arsenic metabolism, inorganic arsenic enters the body as arsenite (iAs III ) or arsenate (iAs v ) which can be reduced to iAs III . Methylation and additional reduction reactions then produce monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and dime
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The Nine Unknown Men And Alien Spacecraft

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